Orphan Income and Scholarships

To qualify for the Orphans’ Benefit, the following criteria must be met:  

  • Children must be natural or legally adopted; foster children and stepchildren are not covered under this benefit
  • Either the child or the deceased parent(s) must be a financial member of Degree of Honor at the time of death

Monthly living allowance

The following living allowances are offered on a monthly basis:

  • 0 – 5 years old: $200
  • 6 – 13 years old : $250
  • 14 – 18 years old: $350

Orphan’s Monthly Income Benefit Application

College scholarships

Degree of Honor will give up to $4,000 per year to each qualifying student.

Students enrolled full-time as an undergraduate at an accredited college or university can receive up to $16,000 for a four-year program. Students enrolled at an accredited technical or vocational school can receive up to $8,000 for a two-year program.

Payments cannot be made retroactively prior to date of application or made beyond the semester in which the orphan reaches age 24.

Orphan’s College Scholarship Benefit Application

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